No se niega que las personas participantes en la misma podamos o no ser afines a dichas organizaciones. En cualquier caso, este movimiento se encuentra fuera de las mismas, y por tanto es totalmente independiente de éstas. De igual forma, las personas que se organizan a través de asociaciones están invitadas a participar; pero en ningún caso el movimiento será un espacio de divulgación y promoción de estas agrupaciones ciudadanas, sino un punto de encuentro para poder canalizar nuestra indignación y como forma de auto-organización social.
. En ningún caso queremos siglas, banderas o liderazgos de organizaciones dentro de este movimiento.
. El movimiento tiene carácter PACIFISTA, por ende las acciones que realicemos serán de igual forma pacíficas. Si responden con violencia, nuestra posición será siempre la de resistencia no violenta.
. Queremos retomar la creatividad en nuestras formas de acción. Retomar la iniciativa y con ésta, nuestra capacidad de creación.
. Queremos llegar a toda la sociedad. Todos y todas están invitados a debatir, crear y ser responsables de este movimiento.
. La responsabilidad del movimiento es colectiva; en las decisiones y acciones realizadas, así como en las consecuencias positivas o negativas que éstas pudieran tener.
. La forma de organización primaria es la asamblea general abierta, lugar de decisión. En las asambleas habrá moderador/a, respeto de la palabra, y toma de actas, para que todas las personas recordemos los acuerdos, y éstos se puedan consultar en caso de no haber podido estar presentes.
. En el caso de que sea necesario, se crearán grupos de trabajo para elaborar propuestas u organizar aspectos técnicos. Las propuestas serán debatidas, consensuadas y decididas en la asamblea genera. En los grupos de trabajo también habrá moderador/a, respeto de la palabra y actas.
. Los moderadores/as y toma de actas serán rotativos para fortalecer el proceso democrático y de aprendizaje.
. Se apuesta por el trabajo divulgativo de forma física (difusión por barrios, centros de trabajo, espacios de auto-organización, etc.), así como las redes libres y descentralizadas y medios de comunicación alternativos. Los medios de comunicación tradicionales serán informados a través de comunicados e invitados a las acciones que consideremos pertinentes. Estamos en permanente diálogo y comunicación.
. Partimos de la solidaridad con otras ciudades y con los problemas que los ciudadanos de éstas puedan sufrir (como detenidos). Se establece la comunicación y coordinación permanente, así como la divulgación de sus acciones.
In English
.The assembly is non party, non trade union and non religious in nature.
Participants can belong to these institutions but the movement is outside and independent of them. Equally, people who organize through these institutions are invited to participate; but the Social Movement is not a space for promoting these groups, it is instead a meeting point to channel our anger and a form of social self-organization.
We do not want symbols, flags or leadership of any organization in the movement.
The movement is pacifist in character, and the action we take will be peaceful.
If these actions are met with violence, our position will always be one of non-violent resistance.
We want to take the initiative in being creative in our actions and our capacity for constructing democracy.
We want to reach the whole of society. Everyone is invited to debate, create and be responsible for this movement.
Responsibility for the movement is collective, both in decision making and actions carried out, as well as in the positive or negative consequences of these.
The primary form of organization is the open general assembly, the place of decision making.
The assemblies will be chaired, the right to free speech will be respected and minutes will be taken, so that everyone remembers the points agreed, and these can be consulted by those unable to be present.
If necessary, work groups will be formed to work on proposals and organize technical aspects.
Proposals will be debated and decided by consensus in the general assembly.
Workgroups will also be chaired, have minutes taken and respect for free speech.
Chairing of meetings and taking down of minutes will be done on a rotational basis to encourage democracy and the acquiring of these skills.
Information will be spread through local assemblies in suburbs, towns, workplaces, etc.
also free decentralized networks, and via alternative means of communication.
The traditional media will be informed and invited to the actions considered relevant.
We are in solidarity with other cities and the problems that citizens may have (like arrest).
A permanent means to communicate and coordinate actions has been set up.
In English
.The assembly is non party, non trade union and non religious in nature.
Participants can belong to these institutions but the movement is outside and independent of them. Equally, people who organize through these institutions are invited to participate; but the Social Movement is not a space for promoting these groups, it is instead a meeting point to channel our anger and a form of social self-organization.
We do not want symbols, flags or leadership of any organization in the movement.
The movement is pacifist in character, and the action we take will be peaceful.
If these actions are met with violence, our position will always be one of non-violent resistance.
We want to take the initiative in being creative in our actions and our capacity for constructing democracy.
We want to reach the whole of society. Everyone is invited to debate, create and be responsible for this movement.
Responsibility for the movement is collective, both in decision making and actions carried out, as well as in the positive or negative consequences of these.
The primary form of organization is the open general assembly, the place of decision making.
The assemblies will be chaired, the right to free speech will be respected and minutes will be taken, so that everyone remembers the points agreed, and these can be consulted by those unable to be present.
If necessary, work groups will be formed to work on proposals and organize technical aspects.
Proposals will be debated and decided by consensus in the general assembly.
Workgroups will also be chaired, have minutes taken and respect for free speech.
Chairing of meetings and taking down of minutes will be done on a rotational basis to encourage democracy and the acquiring of these skills.
Information will be spread through local assemblies in suburbs, towns, workplaces, etc.
also free decentralized networks, and via alternative means of communication.
The traditional media will be informed and invited to the actions considered relevant.
We are in solidarity with other cities and the problems that citizens may have (like arrest).
A permanent means to communicate and coordinate actions has been set up.